Here at Shasta Conservation Fund we partner with the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District and other agencies and landowners to manage conservation easements in Shasta County.
Conservation easements are areas of undeveloped land that contain valuable resources that are protected and preserved for the native species that depend on native habitat.
Conservation easements help protect water resources, native plant communities and the local wildlife that live within our developed communities.

Open space conservation within developed communities serve to protect the environment, improve the quality of life, while preserving elements of local native species. Conservation provides natural beauty and recreation for those in the area while protecting the natural habitat that native species depend upon for survival. It provides opportunity for citizens to learn the concept of and appreciate open space conservation. Continuing to protect and increase natural areas promotes home values, influences the community, and continues to help raise the quality of life. So now that you know more, get out and explore those open space areas near you!
The Shasta Conservation Fund (SCF) is a non-profit organization providing education, exchanging scientific information and fostering the conservation and wise use of natural resources for the residents of Shasta County. The SCF promotes conservation of natural resources by developing and managing education, restoration, and land
stewardship projects and programs. Please visit the SCF
website at www.shastaconservationfund.com

John Muir
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks"
We strive to conserve and restore Shasta Counties valuable natural resources and beautiful open spaces. We work with other agencies, local organizations and willing landowners to implement conservation and restoration projects. Ultimately our goal is to protect, conserve and preserve our county's resources for the future enjoyment of our unique local environment, including plants, animals, forests, rangelands, streams, soils and all of the ecosystems contained within.
The Shasta Conservation Fund manages conservation easements in Shasta County. These areas contain valuable natural resources that are protected in perpetuity for future generations.
Shasta Conservation Fund partners with local organizations to restore forests, grasslands, wetlands, riparian areas, and open spaces to enhance habitat for the native species that depend on these critical areas for survival.
At Shasta Conservation Fund, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in creating programs and events to educate citizens about the value of conservation of our natural areas and the unique species that inhabit these diminishing natural landscapes.